Leveraging AI writers

Unlocking Success: Leveraging AI Writers for Effective Email Campaigns

Email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels. In fact, email generates $36 for every $1 spent, the highest ROI of any marketing channel. However, crafting targeted, personalized and engaging email campaigns at scale is challenging. This is where AI writers enter the scene.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing digital marketing and transforming how businesses connect with customers. In particular, AI writing tools offer immense potential for optimizing email campaigns. According to Social Media Today, over 56% of marketers are already using or planning to use AI for marketing efforts in 2022.

The ability to automatically generate personalized and human-like content makes AI writers invaluable for email marketing. As open and click-through rates continue to decline, captivating and relevant emails are crucial for success. By leveraging AI content creation, marketers can dramatically enhance campaign performance.

This article explores how implementing AI email campaigns can benefit email marketing. We will cover:

  • Using AI writers for personalized emails
  • Optimizing deliverability with AI
  • Crafting engaging content with AI
  • Tracking campaign results
  • Automating tasks with AI
  • Case studies
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Future AI email marketing trends

Leveraging AI Writers for Personalized Emails

“If you send everybody the same thing, you are sending nobody anything.” – Seth Godin

The personalized email content is no longer a “nice to have” but a necessity. AI empowers granular-level personalization at scale for messages that resonate.

Tailored Content

AI tools like Jasper.ai and Phrasee can analyze customer data to generate tailored content for each subscriber. This includes:

  • Dynamic subject lines based on interests
  • Personalized product recommendations
  • Customized CTAs aligned to the buyer stage
  • Relevant content based on demographics

For example, Phrasee increased email revenue for Domino’s by 8.5% with AI-optimized subject lines.

Dynamic Elements

AI can swap in personalized elements like:

  • First name
  • Location
  • Past purchases

This level of personalization boosts open rates. Sailthru found emails with dynamic content have 49% higher open rates.

Version Testing

AI tools can automatically generate and test multiple email versions to determine optimal sending for each subscriber. This A/B testing on steroids ensures maximum relevance.

AI email campaigns

Optimizing Email Deliverability with AI

Deliverability is crucial for email success. If emails don’t reach the inbox, results suffer. AI optimization can improve deliverability through:

Smarter Subject Lines

AI-powered subject lines that are personalized yet spam-filter friendly are proven to increase open rates. For example:

  • Personalized: Hey [First Name], here’s a playlist we think you’ll love!
  • Generic: New playlist for you

Natural Language Generation

NLP techniques for email writing allow AI to generate content that sounds authentic. This improves engagement metrics and inbox placement.

Relevance Scoring

AI can calculate a relevance score per subscriber to determine optimal sending frequency, improving deliverability. Sending overly frequent emails leads to spam folder.

Higher Quality Leads

By using LSI keywords and targeted content, AI emails attract higher quality leads. This signals to spam filters that subscribers want to receive these emails.

Here are some strategies to enhance email deliverability using AI:

  • Personalize subject lines with name, location, past purchases
  • Test subject line variations with A/B testing
  • Analyze competitor subject lines for ideas
  • Ensure subject lines are descriptive and spam trigger-free
  • Generate content with natural language techniques
  • Optimize sending frequency with relevance scoring
  • Target subscribers with relevant content and offers
  • Focus on driving engagement from high quality leads

Crafting Engaging Content with AI

Compelling content is pivotal for email engagement. AI tools excel at creating content tailored to resonate with subscribers by:

Analyzing Big Data

AI can process billions of data points from past campaigns to determine optimal wording, offers, visuals and more that drive opens, CTRs and conversions.

Generating Personalized Content

As outlined earlier, AI can produce highly personalized content for each subscriber. Segmentation and customization lead to better engagement.

Optimizing Emotional Appeal

AI can A/B test content that elicits different emotions – humor, nostalgia, inspiration, etc. – to determine what resonates most. Personalizing emotional appeal boosts engagement.

Conversational Tone

AI-generated email templates can have natural, human-sounding tone with micro-personalizations to feel like 1:1 conversations.

Better Visual Content

AI creative tools like Canva can automatically generate on-brand, visually appealing images and videos customized for each campaign.

Here are some tips to craft engaging email content using AI:

  • Analyze past top-performing emails to identify winning formulas
  • A/B test personalized subject lines for each subscriber
  • Customize content blocks based on interests and demographics
  • Test different offers and emotional appeals
  • Use a conversational tone with natural language techniques
  • Include interactive elements like surveys and live links
  • Leverage AI-generated visuals tailored for each email
  • Personalize with dynamic content like name, location, past purchases
  • Send based on an optimal relevance score for each subscriber
Personalized email content

Tracking Results and Measuring Success

Robust email campaign analytics are crucial for maximizing ROI. AI unlocks powerful tracking capabilities to pinpoint optimization areas such as:

Granular Metrics

AI tools provide fine-grained performance metrics on all campaign elements – subject lines, content blocks, CTAs, timing etc.

Multivariate Testing

AI can automatically A/B test endless permutations of copy, visuals, layouts, sending times and more to determine the optimal combination.

Predictive Modelling

By analyzing historical campaigns with machine learning algorithms, AI can predict the best-performing email content and strategy for future efforts.

Here are some benefits of AI-driven tracking in optimizing campaigns:

  • Identify the highest converting elements in real-time
  • Personalize future emails based on individual engagement
  • Determine the optimal delivery day and time for each subscriber
  • Continuously A/B test and iterate to improve results
  • Reduce manual reporting with automated insights
  • Build predictive models to forecast performance
  • Send follow-up emails based on user actions
  • Identify struggling areas quickly to implement fixes

Ongoing optimization with AI-powered analytics consistently improves email ROI over time.

Automating Email Marketing with AI

Executing strategic email campaigns involves intensive manual work – content creation, graphic design, data processing, analysis etc. AI automation eliminates the busywork:

AI Content Creation

As covered earlier, AI writer tools can automatically generate targeted content tailored to each user for endless personalized variations. Tools like Jasper excel at creating high-quality, human-like content.

AI Graphic Design

Creative AI platforms like Canva can design customized images, gifs and videos based on campaign needs. This adds visual diversity.

AI Data Processing

AI can clean subscriber data, merge sources, filter based on behaviors and surface insights – eliminating this tedious task.

AI Campaign Analysis

AI provides real-time reporting on campaign performance, sliced by audience, delivery time, content type and more for easy analysis.

AI Optimization

Based on campaign analysis, AI can automatically optimize future emails for improved performance by A/B testing content, timing, formatting and other parameters.

This frees marketers to focus on strategy rather than execution.

Case Studies: Real-life Examples of AI in Email Marketing

Let’s explore some examples of companies creatively leveraging AI email marketing:

1. E-Commerce Personalization

An outdoor apparel company used AI to customize content for each user based on past purchases and website activity. This led to:

  • 63% increase in click-through rate
  • 24% increase in revenue per email
  • Improved customer satisfaction and retention

2. AI-Generated Subject Lines

A global non-profit generated AI subject lines personalized with donor names and interests. This resulted in:

  • 175% increase in email revenue
  • 32% increase in open rates
  • 15% reduction in unsubscribes

3. Automated Follow-Ups

A software company used AI to send automated follow-up emails when trial users did not activate their account. This doubled their conversion rate from trial to paid.

Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing Benefits

While AI email marketing provides immense opportunities, there are some common obstacles and misconceptions:

Loss of Control

Myth: AI replaces human marketers

Truth: AI augments marketers, allowing more time for strategy

Strategy is still developed by marketers. AI execution follows strategic direction.

Impersonal Content

Myth: AI cannot match human creativity

Truth: AI generates hyper-personalized content from data not possible manually

The depth of personalization AI provides far exceeds generic manual creation.

Higher Costs

Myth: AI is expensive

Truth: AI costs are minor compared to their revenue potential. Many tools are affordable or free.

When factoring ROI, AI email tools lead to major revenue gains and savings.

Here are tips to maximize AI benefits:

  • Test different AI tools to determine the best fit
  • Slowly incorporate AI into campaigns rather than overhauling completely
  • Use AI for repetitive tasks to free team for higher value work
  • Ensure proper data tagging to train AI models accurately
  • Let AI handle hyper-personalization at scale while marketers focus on strategy
  • Continuously improve AI models through new data and optimization

AI innovation will shape the future of email marketing:

  • Smarter segmentation – AI will better track user behaviors to assign micro-segments and highly targeted emails.
  • Contextual messaging – AI will tailor emails based on context like weather, holidays and real-time user activity.
  • Predictive intelligence – AI will forecast future customer needs and interest areas for proactive email campaigns.
  • Lifecycle personalization – AI will customize journeys dynamically based on changing user actions and attributes.
  • Expanded formats – AI generated video and interactive content will increase beyond static email.
  • Voice-activated – Smart speakers will enable voice-controlled access and two-way communication through email.

To stay ahead, continually test new AI email marketing features and assess emerging technologies. With the right adoption strategy, AI can massively amplify email success.

AI-powered subject lines


  • Email marketing remains highly effective when executed with relevance, engagement and optimization.
  • AI presents game-changing opportunities to automate and improve all facets of email campaigns.
  • Capabilities like hyper-personalization, deliverability optimization and real-time analytics unlock major performance gains.
  • Testing and slowly incorporating AI tools is the best approach to maximize benefits over time.
  • With AI technology rapidly evolving, staying updated will ensure long-term email marketing dominance.

The time is now to leverage AI writers and unlock transformative results. As AI capabilities grow, email marketing success will scale new heights.

Ready to get started? Here are some recommended resources:

  • Jasper.ai – AI writer for personalized, optimized content
  • Phrasee – AI-enhanced subject line creation
  • Mailchimp – AI-powered deliverability features
  • SENDinBLUE – AI email campaign management

What future AI applications are you most excited about for further email marketing innovation?

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What is AI in email marketing?

AI in email marketing refers to artificial intelligence technologies that automate and enhance various aspects of email campaigns, from personalized content creation to deliverability optimization. AI tools analyze data to provide insights and take automated actions to boost performance.

How do AI writers enhance email campaigns?

AI writers can quickly generate hundreds of personalized email variations tailored to each subscriber’s interests and attributes. They help craft relevant subject lines, content and offers while optimizing tone and style for engagement.

Can AI generate personalized email content?

Yes, AI excels at leveraging customer data to dynamically insert personalized details into each email to make the messaging highly relevant. Personalization boosts open and click rates.

What are the benefits of leveraging AI for emails?

AI provides hyper-personalization at scale, optimized deliverability through relevance, higher conversions from compelling content, robust analytics and reduced manual work through automation.

How does AI optimize subject lines for emails?

AI analyzes customer data and past performance to A/B test myriad subject line variations personalized with names, interests etc. to determine optimal subject lines for each user that balance relevance with deliverability.

What are NLP and LSI keywords in email marketing?

NLP techniques allow AI to generate content with a human-like tone and style. LSI keywords help ensure content is relevant without over-optimization which raises spam risks.

How can AI tools automate A/B testing for emails?

AI can constantly test permutations of content, design, segmenting, timing etc. to determine the optimal combination to maximize engagement and conversions for each campaign.

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