DIY AI writing

DIY AI Writing: Your Ultimate Guide to Content Creation


The world of content creation is rapidly evolving thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence. AI writing tools like Jasper and Contenful provide new and exciting ways for content creators to generate engaging, informative, and optimized content. This guide aims to empower you, the reader, with the knowledge to effectively utilize AI for your own content goals.

We’ll explore the landscape of DIY AI writing, including the top tools available and how to choose the right one. You’ll learn proven techniques for leveraging AI in the content creation process – from initial research and ideation to crafting compelling copy and promotion. Equipped with ethical AI writing practices, you can create quality AI content faster than ever before.

The power is now in your hands to utilize AI as a tool for enhanced productivity and creativity. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the skills to kickstart your own AI-assisted content creation journey. Let’s get started!

Defining Your Objectives

The first step in any content creation journey is to clearly define your goals and target audience. With a myriad of AI writing tools now available, it’s essential to choose one aligned with your specific objectives.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an AI Writing Tool:

  • Functionality – Does the tool allow for different types of content generation like blogs, social media, ads, etc?
  • Customization – Can you tailor the output tone, style and keywords?
  • Cost – What is the pricing model – free, monthly fee, pay per word?
  • Use Cases – Is the tool better suited for certain content types and genres?
  • Ethics – Does the AI produce original content and comply with quality guidelines?

Popular AI writing tools include:

  • Contenful AI – All-in-one platform great for beginners
  • Shortly AI – Specializes in short-form content
  • Jasper AI – Ideal for marketing and SEO content
  • – Gives quality long-form content

Aligning your choice with content goals sets you up for AI success. Define the target readers, topics, and style to inform tool selection.

Outline Your Content Goals

  • Content type – Blog, social, ads, product descriptions etc.
  • Format – Article length, media to include etc.
  • Purpose – Engage readers? Promote business/products? Inform/educate?
  • Target audience – Ideal reader demographics and interests
  • Keyword targets – Priority search terms and topics to optimize for
  • Tone and style – Formal? Conversational? Academic? etc.

With clear objectives defined, you can utilize AI tools effectively in the creation process.

Using AI for Idea Generation

AI can provide invaluable assistance during the research and ideation phase. Keyword research tools help uncover topics and angles worth writing about.

AI Tools for Keyword Research

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Soovle allow you to:

  • Identify high-volume, low-competition keywords.
  • See keyword trends and seasonality.
  • Discover questions people search for around topics.
  • Uncover related keywords and topics to target.

Conduct thorough keyword research and extract the terms and themes most relevant to your goals.

Topic Exploration with AI

AI idea generators like Shortly AI and Creative Musings can take seed keywords and prompt creative topics and angles to write about.

For example, enter a seed keyword like “yoga” and AI can output related titles and themes like:

  • Yoga Philosophy: The Key Principles and Benefits
  • 10 Instagram-Worthy Yoga Poses to Try At Home
  • How to Start a Morning Yoga Routine: Tips for Beginners

This provides a treasure trove of drafting ideas to choose from.

Benefits of AI-Assisted Research

  • Saves time – AI tools rapidly provide keyword and topic suggestions that would take much longer manually.
  • Spurs creativity – AI prompts help think of clever angles you may not have alone.
  • Optimizes content – Surfacing the most popular keywords and questions guarantees your content targets user interest.

Use these AI capabilities early when starting content projects to set a strategic foundation.

AI content creation

Crafting Engaging AI Content

With research completed, it’s time to leverage AI writing to create first drafts. Maintaining a human touch throughout editing is key for polished content.

AI Article Generation

AI tools like Jasper and Contenful can transform outlines and notes into complete draft posts. Provide:

  • Keywords to focus the content
  • Desired word count
  • Topic headings
  • Any research or sources to include

The AI will generate an organized first draft touching on all the elements you specify.

Tips for Human-Like AI Writing

Though capable of producing complete articles, AI still requires guidance and editing to sound natural. Use these tips for AI writing:

  • Vary sentence length – Avoid repetitive patterns and mix up short and long sentences.
  • Use active voice – Switch passive voice sentences to active ex: “The yoga pose was executed” to “The student executed the pose.”
  • Include examples – Anecdotes and specifics make the writing more plausible and engaging.
  • Limit adjectives – Using too many descriptive words is a telltale sign of AI content.
  • Check for errors – Proofread closely to correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes.

Iterate drafts while keeping the style conversational using the above strategies.

Maintain a Human Touch

AI is a supplementary writing aid, not a replacement for human creativity. To maintain quality:

  • Outline thoroughly – Provide sufficient direction and details so AI has a solid framework.
  • Heavily edit – Expect to refine and rewrite large portions of AI output.
  • Infuse personal insights – Add your unique analysis and commentary.
  • Correct AI quirks – Watch for repeated or awkward phrasing commonly generated by AI.

Leverage AI capabilities while crafting content with an authentic and nuanced human touch.

Promoting Your AI Content

Driving traffic and engagement for your content requires an effective promotion strategy.

Social Media Promotion

Share your content across your brand’s social channels including:

PlatformBest Practices
FacebookCreate engaging captions and use relevant hashtags
TwitterWrite clickable headlines under 280 characters
LinkedInPost natively or use LinkedIn publishing to maximize reach
PinterestPin eye-catching graphics related to your content

Email Marketing

Send emails showcasing new content to:

  • Email subscribers
  • Previous customers
  • Prospects interested in your products/services
  • Retarget website visitors with ads for gated content like eBooks and webinars
  • Create search ads focused on keywords related to your content
  • Use paid social ads to get more impressions on new posts

Track content analytics to see which promotion channels drive the most traffic and leads.

Additional AI Writing Tips

Follow these best practices to continually enhance your AI writing skills:

  • Check quality – Use free plagiarism tools like Copyscape to verify content originality.
  • Vary tools – Try different AI writing tools like Jasper and Contenful and combine features from each.
  • Refine prompts – Learn how to provide effective prompts to guide AI.
  • Humanize – Customize generated text extensively to sound more authentic.
  • Proof thoroughly – Edit AI output meticulously before publishing.
  • Credit sources – When incorporating external information, properly cite data, quotes, or studies used.


AI content creation opens exciting possibilities to produce high-quality written content faster. This guide provided actionable steps to:

  • Strategically define content goals and keywords to optimize for.
  • Select the ideal AI writing tools for specific use cases.
  • Leverage AI capabilities for ideation while maintaining creative control.
  • Craft compelling content with AI assistance and a human touch.
  • Promote and distribute AI-generated content effectively.

By implementing these tips and continuously honing your process, AI can take your content creation to the next level. Remember to always approach it as a collaborative tool while maintaining ethical standards.

Now you have the blueprint to start your DIY AI writing journey. Utilize these techniques to create content that educates, engages and converts your audience. The future is here – let AI accelerate your content creation success!

AI content creation


What is DIY AI writing?

DIY AI writing refers to creating your own AI content generator using machine learning models and training data. Rather than relying on third-party AI writing APIs, you can build and customize an AI writer for your specific needs.

How can I choose the right AI writing tool?

Consider the use case, budget, ease of use, output quality, training options, supported integrations, and customization capabilities. Narrow down options that fit your goals and content types. Read reviews of tools like Jasper,, and Articoolo to make an informed choice.

Where can I gather data for AI writing training?

Sources for quality training data include web articles, your own existing content, relevant datasets, books, academic papers, and online content from authoritative sites. Ensure you have license to use the data.

What are some tips for training an AI writing tool?

Tips include: providing a large volume of high-quality, diverse training content; fine-tuning models on your data for better results; testing continuously and adding more examples to improve; giving clear instructions/prompts; and using human-edited content to train the AI.

Can I create my own AI writer from scratch?

Yes, it is possible for those with machine learning expertise to create custom AI writing systems using frameworks like GPT-3 and TensorFlow. However, it requires substantial data, compute resources, programming proficiency and rigorous testing.

Are there any free AI writing tools available?

Some free options to try are Shortly AI (limited), AI Writer, Articoolo, and ELEKS Labs AI Writer. These offer basic capabilities but less customization. Many have upgrade tiers or charge per word for expanded use.
